Getting Started: How to Access Services

Do you have questions about a child or youth's learning, development, behaviour, or mental health? Are you looking for Psychology assessment or treatment services for a child or youth? Or, would you like to speak with a Psychology professional to figure out what services may be a fit?

At our Clinic, Graduate Student Clinicians provide Psychological Services to address learning, development, behaviour, or mental health for children and youth. We are affiliated with the School and Applied Child Psychology Program at Western, and we have particular expertise in school-related issues and in working with schools. 

For most services, we start with an intake meeting with caregivers and children/youth as appropriate. In fall 2024, there is no charge for this meeting. To have an intake meeting, we MUST have all health care decision makers present or agreeing to services. Usually, this means an adolescent or whoever has custody of a child.  

During the intake meeting, we will discuss your needs and help you figure out if any Psychology Services would be helpful. You do not have to continue with services after the intake meeting. 

If you want to speak to a Psychologist to figure out next steps, or you are interested in Consultation/Intervention, click HERE

If you are interested in Assessment Services, click HERE - please note we are only doing Screening Assessments at this time 

If you are interested in signing up for a Group or Workshop, click HERE

There are several services we do not currently offer. These include: 

-Crisis support. Consider contacting Tandem, London's Crisis and Intake Team. 
-Support for families around issues of separation and divorce. Consider Navigating Onward or Merrymount 
-Support for families navigating domestic violence. Consider ANOVA, LAWC
-Support for children/adolescents with significant trauma. Consider Navigating Onward or Merrymount.
-Eating disorder treatment. 
Consider contacting the Eating Disorders Program at London Health Sciences Centre.
-Treatment for psychosis or schizophrenia. Consider PEPP at the London Health Sciences Centre. 
-Support for children/youth in trouble with the law- Consider Navigating Onward 
-Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Assessments - Consider the Community Services Coordination Network FASD Program