Free Virtual Parent/Caregiver Webinar
Free Virtual Parent/Caregiver Webinar!
"Helping parents identify and support academic challenges in children: Connecting observations to strategies" Wednesday, February 23rd (7:00 - 8:30pm) - Via Zoom
Parents and caregivers often have insights or clues about their child's learning well before formal academic challenges become evident at school. This has been especially evident during periods of virtual learning where parents could observe the learning process "in action" at home.
In this 1.5-hour free, virtual webinar, Dr. Colin King and the MJW-CYDC team will discuss common observations that parents may have about their child's learning and connect this knowledge to possible academic strategies.
More details on the Eventbrite page. Please join us!
Helping Parents Identify and Support Academic Challenges in Children
Helping parents identify and support academic challenges in children: Connecting observations to strategies
February 23, 2022
7:00 - 8:30pm